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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 361« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nancy Perrin Rich)

Mr. Hubert.
In any case, he was the man who made the contact.
Mrs. Rich.
Again, as I told the FBI, I will swear about 99 percent of it that he was the one.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, you went there he was present at three meetings.
Mrs. Rich.
That is correct.
Mr. Hubert.
And you knew him for 2 months prior to that.
Mrs. Rich.
That is correct--about.
Mr. Hubert.
Why should there be any doubt in your mind whatsoever?
Mrs. Rich.
Because somewhere another face keeps popping up. And don't ask me to go into it, because I could not if I tried.
Mr. Hubert.
You mean you think it might not be Dave Cherry?
Mrs. Rich.
No; that it is. I am about I percent unsure. And I told the FBI that. But that is the only face I can put with that. And I keep putting Dave in that car and over there with us.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you advise your husband about being tailed recently?
Mrs. Rich.
Yes; my husband is aware of it.
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Rich.
As I say, I don't believe this has anything to do with this at all. I told you merely because I was told to. Otherwise I would never point it out.
Mr. Hubert.
Perhaps we ought to get for the record what the names of these Secret Service and FBI agents are. I think you mentioned their last names. Do you know their first names?
Mrs. Rich.
No; I do not, sir. I would not know them if I saw them.
Mr. Hubert.
They just spoke to you on the telephone?
Mrs. Rich.
That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
How did you know they were FBI agents?
Mrs. Rich.
The first time when Mr. Fahety called me I was not sure, and I would not answer any questions. So he said, "Call me back collect" and I called the FBI back collect and it was true enough. Mr. Sweeny I know it was, because he said he bought the tickets and had information only the Secret Service would know, and that Mr. Milton would pick me up subsequently, which he did.
Mr. Griffin.
You mentioned, I think, Mrs. Rich, that you were going to use a boat to transport the guns to Cuba and the people back.
Mrs. Rich.
That's correct.
Mr. Griffin.
Where was this boat located?
Mrs. Rich.
From what I understood; in Miami.
Mr. Griffin.
What kind of a boat was it?
Mrs. Rich.
I don't know. I was under the impression it might have been an old picket boat.
Mr. Griffin.
What gave you that impression?
Mrs. Rich.
Just the talk about it. I kind of got the impression that it might have been one that had been--you know how the Coast Guard and the Navy would sell them off sometime.
Mr. Griffin.
Had Dave Cherry been a friend of your husband's?
Mrs. Rich.
No; I don't believe so. I do not know who his friends were when he was in Dallas. Eddie Brawner and Youngblood were. Eddie Brawner could probably tell you more on this than I could; because my husband talked to him and wanted to go on the boat with him. He and Eddie used to race stock cars and stuff. And he told me my husband claimed he used to work for Herb Noble in Dallas. There is something else. And Al Meadows. Al Meadows claimed he never saw him. He is another underworld character--back there in prohibition. And they used to run an Oklahoma gin. My husband claimed, he was the only one alive who knew who gunned Herb Noble down, and that he never told. And I don't know if it is true. Eddie Brawner was supposed to be in on this with him. I think he told Eddie all about this, more than I knew.
Mr. Griffin.
How soon after your husband came to Dallas did Dave Cherry meet him?
Mrs. Rich.
I could not really say, actually.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, what was the nature of his friendship for Dave Cherry?
Mrs. Rich.
How did he meet him?
Mr. Griffin.
No. To what extent were they friendly?
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