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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 3« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Curtis Laverne Crafard Resumed)

Mr. Hubert.
And the entry on page--what is it?
Mr. Crafard.
Page 4.
Mr. Hubert.
Refreshes your memory to that extent, right?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir. On the reverse side of page 4 is just notations. No. 5 is just notations, with some things that Jack had to do on that day. Then the reverse side of 5 is just notations, phone calls. No. 6 is some draws that I took on different days. The reverse side of No. 6 is just notations, mostly for phone calls that was taken. No. 7 is just notations with the exception of the top number, the top name, Joe Roskydall, who was a friend of mine while I was previously living in Dallas.
Mr. Griffin.
Larry, in the pages that you have gone through so far, have you noticed any handwriting in that book that is not your handwriting?
Mr. Crafard.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
As you go through this, if you do recognize any handwriting that is not yours, would you point that out to us?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes, sir. On the reverse side of page 7 there is just notations from phone calls. The bottom half of that page written in ink isn't my handwriting.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recognize whose handwriting that is?
Mr. Crafard.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you able to recognize Jack Ruby's handwriting?
Mr. Crafard.
No, sir; I am not.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you able to recognize Andy Armstrong's handwriting?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe I would recognize Andy's writing.
Mr. Griffin.
Does that appear to be Andy Armstrong's handwriting?
Mr. Crafard.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you want to look at page 8?
Mr. Crafard.
That is my writing on page 8. That is just phone numbers, addresses that was taken down that Jack Ruby give me to write down, addresses that he wanted to keep. On the reverse side of that is a couple of phone numbers. I don't recall what they were for. Page 9 I don't have any idea what that was for. I don't recall it all.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that your handwriting on page 9?
Mr. Crafard.
It looks like my handwriting, yes. The reverse side of page 9 is blank. Page 10 is blank. A portion of a page, page 11, is blank.
Mr. Griffin.
Page 11, incidentally, is a half sheet of paper. Do you recall in using this notebook whether you had occasion to rip out portions of the notebook?
Mr. Crafard.
A couple of times I took a piece of paper and put a phone number on it for Jack. Page 12 is just a few notations for some things that I had to buy for myself. The reverse side of page 11 is----
Mr. Griffin.
That is the reverse side of page 12?
Mr. Crafard.
Page 12, yes; is just notations. Page 13 is a couple of notations.
Mr. Griffin.
Page 13 is in your handwriting?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes. This number in East Waco may not be mine. I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
You are referring to what appears to be 3902----
Mr. Crafard.
East Waco.
Mr. Griffin.
East Waco, and that is written in pen?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes; I don't recall I ever wrote it down, and it doesn't look like my handwriting.
Mr. Hubert.
Page 10?
Mr. Griffin.
No; page 13.
Mr. Crafard.
Page 13. The reverse side of that page is my handwriting. It is just notations. Page 14 is some notations I took while I was trying to make arrangement to ship a dog to California. It is about a third of a page.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you read page 14 for us? It is a little difficult to read.
Mr. Crafard.
I'm not even sure what it is, myself. I can make out the name Frank Fisher underneath, but that is all. I believe the rest of it is something, Boeing Insurance it looks like.
Mr. Hubert.
How is it spelled?
Mr. Craford.
B-o-e-i-n-g. The reverse side of page 14 is just notations. 15
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