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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 123« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert S. , Jr. Huffaker)

Mr. Hubert.
in which I am placing a capital A and would you agree that that figure shows, generally speaking, the position of the camera of KRLD?
Mr. Huffaker.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
In order to make the map self explanatory to some extent, I am writing on it as follows: "Approximate position of KRLD camera."
Mr. Huffaker.
Well, it might be well to distinguish this camera as the live television camera from the film camera.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, I will put in parentheses "live," is that correct?
Mr. Huffaker.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you think that it is correct to state that anyone who would read your two statements, Exhibits 5331 and 5332 and who would also read the transcript of the deposition and have available at the time they are reading that, this chart, would have as accurate a story of the facts as you know them as is possible?
Mr. Huffaker.
Yes, sir; and of course my story could be---sometimes could be fixed by looking at our video tape, and by the way, I am sorry--I was going to look at it before today.
Mr. Hubert.
We have done that.
Mr. Hubert.
I'm sure you have, but anyway I was going to look at it to refresh my memory. I didn't ever get a chance to.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you been interviewed by any member of the Commission's staff prior to today?
Mr. Huffaker.
No; by no member of the Commission's staff.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, you and I spoke a little bit prior to the commencement of this deposition, but do you perceive that we spoke about anything which has not been subsequently brought up and discussed in this deposition?
Mr. Hubert.
No; that's correct. We did not discuss anything that has not been brought up in it.
Mr. Hubert.
Thank you very much.
Mr. Huffaker.
Thank you,
Mr. Huffaker.
George R. Phenix

Testimony of George R. Phenix

Mr. Huffaker.
The testimony of George R. Phenix was taken at 3:40 p.m., on April 16, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Leon D. Hubert, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Phenix, my name is Leon Hubert. I am a member of the advisory staff of the General Counsel of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Under the provisions of Executive Order 11130, dated November 29, 1963, and the Joint Resolution of the Congress, No. 137, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Commission in conformance with the Executive order and the joint resolution, I have been authorized to take a sworn deposition from you.
I state to you now that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate, and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald. In particular as to you, Mr. Phenix, the nature of the inquiry today is to determine all the facts you know about the death of Oswald and any other pertinent facts you may know. about the general inquiry and the activities of Jack Ruby.
Mr. Phenix, I think you appeared here as a result of a written request addressed to you by Mr. J. Lee Rankin, who is the General Counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Phenix.
Mr. Hubert.
And I ask you now, you received that written request more than 3 days ago?
Mr. Phenix.
Mr. Hubert.
Will you rise and be sworn? Do you solemnly swear the testimony
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