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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 368« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Eugene Vaughn)

Mr. Vaughn.
on the street in a crowd I wouldn't have recognized him, but to the point that if I had some occasion to talk to him, I believe I would," and he asked me if I had seen him and so I told him "No," and I began to wondering about it and I went on and checked out of service and went to the jail office.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, Captain Talbert did not tell you that there was some idea that Ruby had gone by you and got into the basement in that way ?
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, he may have possibly stated something like that--I don't recall, actually.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, you said a moment ago you got to thinking and worrying about it.
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, actually when he asked me if I had seen Ruby that morning--I don't really recall if he said whether that is the way he is supposed to have come in or anything else. Well, I went on, like I said, and checked out and I went to 511 where I think I seen Lieutenant Pierce and he told me that that's how Ruby said he had come into the basement.
Mr. Hubert.
About what time was that?
Mr. Vaughn.
Oh, I would say it was somewhere around 2 or 2:30.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you ask him who Ruby had told that to?
Mr. Vaughn.
I don't believe I did.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know now who he told it to?
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, I understood, of course I don't know definitely--I understood he told Mr. Sorrels and Detective McMillon and several more--I don't know.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you ever talk to Pat Dean about it?
Mr. Vaughn.
Dean asked me one time if I knew what Ruby had said, I recall, and this was sometime later, and I said I knew what he had said--that that's how he had gotten in.
Mr. Hubert.
Did Dean tell you that Ruby had told him that?
Mr. Vaughn.
I don't believe he did, Mr. Hubert, I can't recall exactly what it was.
Mr. Hubert.
How long after the event did you have this conversation with Dean?
Mr. Vaughn.
Oh, it may have been possibly the same day--later that afternoon, or maybe the next morning, I don't recall.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he approach you about it or did you approach him?
Mr. Vaughn.
I actually don't recall.
Mr. Hubert.
Did any of your superior officers question you about whether Jack could have gotten by you?
Mr. Vaughn.
Yes, they questioned me quite extensively about it. That was on Sunday it happened, and I worked Monday, and I think it was--I talked to Lieutenant Pierce some, I believe, and Tuesday I was off and so Tuesday morning around 9 o'clock they called me at home and told me to come in and write a report and so I got up and went down there and wrote a report Tuesday, and I was off Wednesday. So Wednesday night I was supposed to be off Thursday at that particular time I had three days off that week, and I think it was a holiday fell in there somewhere--Thanksgiving is what it was--and Wednesday night they called me at home, Lieutenant Pierce called me. I don't recall that it was--whether it was 7 or 8 or 9 o'clock, and told me to come in and go to work Thursday morning, that Chief Fisher wanted to talk to me, and I came in and went ahead and went to work and I worked until, I believe, 8:30 or 9 and I got a call to report to 511 on a mark-out.
Mr. Hubert.
What is a mark-out?
Mr. Vaughn.
That means you are out of Service. The dispatcher will show you being somewhere else, and so when I went up there, Chief Fisher, Captain Talbert, and Lieutenant Pierce, I believe, was all sitting in this little assembly room and they were talking, and I didn't say anything else I didn't say anything to them, and so within a few minutes Chief Fisher asked me as recall, now maybe I'm a. little bit wrong, as far as he asked me. but somebody asked me if I was ready to go up to his office and I said. "Yes," and we went on up to Chief Fisher's office which is up on the third floor and I was accompanied by Lieutenant Pierce and Captain Talbert, so Chief Fisher questioned
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