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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 323« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Newman)

Mr. Griffin.
pointing to the area roughly in front of the Jail office door. For anyone reading this, I will indicate also that this is an area in which Assistant Chief Batchelor indicated that sometime, that he is not sure of, in the early morning he saw a TV camera there, and he believes he had it moved. Now, I take it you don't recall any equipment of any sort being in this area in here, in the garage [ indicating] ?
Mr. Newman.
TV equipment?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes. In the entrance to the garage?
Mr. Newman.
No; I don't.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, is this a railing, incidentally [indicating] ?
Mr. Newman.
This is a small rail right here [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Let me write across here "rail." Now, from where you were standing, were you able to see over that rail?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
How high is that rail?
Mr. Newman.
It isn't over 3 feet.
Mr. Griffin.
Is it a solid thing or is it a metal set
Mr. Newman.
Just made of pipes.
Mr. Griffin.
Is it any different from the railings that's along the Commerce Street ramp?
Mr. Newman.
Same type railing, I believe.
Mr. Griffin.
Same type of railing. And the railing that's marked in solid on the other side of the entrance to the garage next to the chief parking area, which I will also label rail, that's the same kind of railing as the ones over near the TV cameras?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
So, your vision from where you were standing was not substantially obstructed by any permanent parts of the building, from where the marked curb on the ramp is, all the way down, perhaps to this, all the way down to this railing here [indicating]?
Mr. Newman.
It was somewhat obstructed by these columns, but nothing to keep me from getting an overall view of the area.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, what do you recall happening after the automobile drove out of the drive and went up the Commerce Street ramp?
Mr. Newman.
I don't recall anything until I heard that "Here he comes," called out.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do when you heard the "Here he comes"?
Mr. Newman.
I looked up in that direction.
Mr. Griffin.
And what did you see when you looked up in that direction?
Mr. Newman.
All I saw was the newsmen congregating to that area.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did they seem to be pushing in from?
Mr. Newman.
Well, they were making a round in this general area in here [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
You are indicating the area up in the ramp, Main Street ramp?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
How deep were they in the Main Street ramp, by that time?
Mr. Newman.
I would guess two or three, but that's Just a guess.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, does that include policemen, also?
Mr. Newman.
You mean the number of people?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you say the total number of people was two or three deep there?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Was it solid across from this wall to the railing?
Mr. Newman.
Well, I couldn't see that much detail.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, as you looked over in that direction, after you heard "Here he comes," and you saw this milling around, what is the next thing that you remember seeing?
Mr. Newman.
Well, like I said, I saw these people congregating to this area. I did see a man come down this ramp [indicating].
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