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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 321« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Newman)

Mr. Newman.
No; I don't. The only one I remember was there was a regular officer--I don't know who he was. He was in this approximate area here. Do you want me to mark this [indicating] ?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes; go ahead. Why don't you put a "R" for regular?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, do you recall whether there were any officers over here by elevators Nos. I and 2 and the service elevator?
Mr. Newman.
I am almost certain there weren't any in the garage area, except he and I, immediately prior to the shooting. There was quite a few moving around through there before that.
Mr. Griffin.
How long before that were they moving around?
Mr. Newman.
Oh, I would say an hour before that, they were moving in and out.
Mr. Griffin.
But let's take the 10 or 15 minutes before the shooting. Were there any men over by those elevators?
Mr. Newman.
Not except the one man. I assume that was his job.
Mr. Griffin.
The one man you have marked here with an "R" ?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, were you able to tell whether these elevators No. I and No. 2 were in operation?
Mr. Newman.
No; there is no way I had of knowing. I could see the elevators, but I don't know whether they were in operation.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see anybody go up or down those elevators in the hour that you were at your position ?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you able to tell whether or not this service elevator was in operation?
Mr. Newman.
That I don't know either.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see anybody in that service elevator?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you able to state positively that there was nobody, during the period you were here, who you saw in that service elevator?
Mr. Newman.
No. I couldn't say that. I just say I couldn't see anyone.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did you, during the time you were stationed here, did you see anybody come out of the engineroom area?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you able to tell from where you were stationed if there was anybody in there, a night watchman or anybody in that engineroom there?
Mr. Newman.
No. I couldn't see if there was anybody in there.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, in the 20 minutes or half hour before the shooting, how many cars would you say were parked in this part of the garage [indicating] ?
Mr. Newman.
Oh, I would estimate there were 20.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, in that half hour before the shooting, was there any traffic in and out of that garage?
Mr. Newman.
Just that one squad, that I recall.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, from the time that you heard that Coke bottle drop, where was your attention focused, from your position?
Mr. Newman.
At the time?\
Mr. Griffin.
From the time?
Mr. Newman.
Oh, from the time?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes. What were you looking at in there?
Mr. Newman.
Well, my main concern was this room.
Mr. Griffin.
I see.
Mr. Newman.
I was looking occasionally throughout the rest of the area.
Mr. Griffin.
Could you tell us how you faced from there, from where you have got yourself, what direction you were facing?
Mr. Newman.
I was facing in this direction [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Did you have occasion at any time to look over in this area here [indicating]?
Mr. Newman.
Not until immediately prior to the shooting.
Mr. Griffin.
What directed your attention over there?
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