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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 252« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Harrison)

Mr. Griffin.
map where that man was and put a circle around it. Now, that is where the Japanese photographer was standing at the time that Oswald walked out
Mr. Harrison.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that right? Now, where was this man with the microphone standing ?
Mr. Harrison.
He was immediately to my right.
Mr. Griffin.
Why don't you put an "M" and a circle around him? Now, were there any other police officers over in this general area where you 3 people were ?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Who were the other police officers?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, when Rio Pierce's car came out, what did you do?
Mr. Harrison.
I got these people to move back out of the way and let him through, and I stepped back to the rail, toward the lights there and let him through.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, did you have your back to the railing or were you facing the railing?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, I had my back to the railing.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you watch Pierce's car go up the ramp at all ?
Mr. Harrison.
I watched it until it cleared the people in that immediate area.
Mr. Griffin.
How many people were there to clear out in that immediate area, would you say?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, there was seven or eight, I would say.
Mr. Griffin.
You wouldn't say there were as many as 20 or 25, would you?
Mr. Harrison.
No, no.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, were those people all newspaper people, members of the press, or were there some police officers?
Mr. Harrison.
There were some police officers in that area.
Mr. Griffin.
Uh-huh. Now, at the time that Oswald actually came out of the jail office, how many lines of people, would' you say, were strung along in that area that you were? Was there more than one line of people?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, then--
Mr. Harrison.
Now, where are you referring to ?
Mr. Griffin.
As I understand it, as Oswald walked out, there was a line of people that came from the north-
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
What corner are we going to call that, northwest or northeast? I think this would be the west.
Mr. Macmaster.
Northwest, that is right, isn't it?
Mr. Harrison.
Yes; that is correct.
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to put "Northwest corner" here so we will know what we are talking about. There was a line of people, was there not, from what I have marked the northwest corner of the Main Street wall all of the way over to you and then around here? No?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Okay. I am honestly trying to find out here how these people were lined up.
Mr. Harrison.
Well, due to these lights and the cameras being here, this area was open. There was, like I say, this Japanese, and there was another man or two in that area here, whom I don't--I don't have any idea who he was.
Mr. Griffin.
Just put a couple of question marks there. Okay.
Mr. Harrison.
And behind me, there were not immediately behind me, but back in this area
Mr. Griffin.
All right.
Mr. Harrison.
Toward the west wall, there was police and also Captain Arnett of the reserves standing--he was standing fairly close to me behind me.
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