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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 200« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Kenneth Hudson Croy)

Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
What time were you at the scene where Tippit was killed
Mr. Croy.
I watched them load him in the ambulance.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. Were you on reserve duty that day
Mr. Croy.
Yes. I was stationed downtown in the, I believe it was the 1800 or 1900 block of Main Street.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you in a patrol car
Mr. Croy.
No; I was on foot.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you in uniform ?
Mr. Croy.
In uniform.
Mr. Griffin.
Where were you at the time President Kennedy was shot?
Mr. Croy.
Sitting in my car at the city hall. I would guess, I don't know, because I didn't know he was shot until, I guess, several minutes after it was.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that where you were located when you heard he was shot?
Mr. Croy.
No. I was on Main Street trying to go home.
Mr. Griffin.
You were driving your car down Main Street?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
About where were you on Main Street
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Griffin Street?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do when you heard that President Kennedy had been shot?
Mr. Croy.
I didn't do anything. I was right in the middle of the street with my car hemmed in from both sides. I couldn't go anywhere.
Mr. Griffin.
As soon as you got unhemmed, what did you do ?
Mr. Croy.
I went by the courthouse there and there were several officers standing there, and I asked if they needed any help.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you drive your car to the courthouse ?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Which courthouse
Mr. Croy.
There was only one courthouse.
Mr. Griffin.
There is a county courthouse?
Mr. Croy.
There is.
Mr. Griffin.
There is a Federal Courthouse, also, but this is the one right there by the plaza and near the Texas School Book Depository
Mr. Croy.
The old red courthouse.
Mr. Griffin.
On Houston Street?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Was that the corner of Houston and Main ?
Mr. Croy.
Houston and Main and E!m.
Mr. Griffin.
How long after you heard that President Kennedy was shot did you arrive there ?
Mr. Croy.
Oh, I guess it took me at least 20 minutes to drive those few blocks.
Mr. Griffin.
What time would you say it was when you arrived at the courthouse ?
Mr. Croy.
I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Who did you see when you arrived there?
Mr. Croy.
Oh, there was some officers standing on the corner, I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you inquire of somebody there. if you could be of assistance?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Whom did you inquire of?
Mr. Croy.
I don't know. They were just standing on the corner, and I asked if I could be of any assistance.
Mr. Griffin.
Then, what did you do
Mr. Croy.
I proceeded on home.
Mr. Griffin.
Which way did you drive home?
Mr. Croy.
Out Thornton to Colorado, and Colorado to--I can't think of the street. It was Marsalis.
Mr. Griffin.
Was that
Mr. Croy.
Or Zangs.
Mr. Griffin.
Thornton to Zangs?
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