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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 193« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Kenneth Hudson Croy)

Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Croy.
I don't know whether it was or not.
Mr. Griffin.
Tell us how you came to believe that man was Jack Ruby?
Mr. Croy.
Well, as I was standing there and this blur came from my left, someone running, and he ran by me at a pretty good clip, he was gaining momentum and he ran by me. I got a glimpse of his coat and the coat matched the one that I had told this fellow to move back. At least it seemed to me it did.
Mr. Griffin.
Was that man over against the railing?
Mr. Croy.
No; after I turned my attention back to the reporters, I glanced back over my shoulder to see if they had done what I told them to, and the man with the camera had gotten on the railing where could get a good shot. The other fellow, I didn't see him.
I didn't turn completely all the way around to see if he was in back of me. I just glanced over my shoulder, so I presume he had gotten against the railing or had 'moved around with the other reporters.
Mr. Griffin.
About how far were you from the railing after you pushed the reporters back over in that direction ?
Mr. Croy.
I didn't push them. I asked them to step back over there.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Croy.
I was standing about midways to the ramp. Do you know how wide that ramp is ?
Mr. Griffin.
Was there a line, a group of people in front of you ?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Was this group, was it sort of in a line that stretched across from the wall to the railing across the Main Street ramp?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
How many people would you say were stretched across there?
Mr. Croy.
I don't know. There was quite a few there, but I have no idea how many were there.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, were there any people as you turned back, were you also part of a line, a second line? Were you part of a second line?
Mr. Croy.
Not that I know. I was just standing there. There were other officers to my right.
Mr. Griffin.
In other words, one straggled line, this first line in front of you?
Mr. Croy.
What do you mean?
Mr. Griffin.
Are you stating there was a fairly solid front line of people?
Mr. Croy.
About two deep.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you behind that group of people?
Mr. Croy.
I was behind them.
Mr. Griffin.
How far behind them were you ?
Mr. Croy.
Oh, a couple of feet or 3 feet.
Mr. Griffin.
Back where you were standing, were people as closely bunched up as other people were?
Mr. Croy.
There wasn't anyone to my left other than the two people I told to move back. To my right there were several other officers standing there with me.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Captain Arnett one of the officers?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you show us where Captain Arnett was?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
How many people were to Captain Arnett's right?
Mr. Croy.
I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
You say there was nobody to your left except a man with a movie camera?
Mr. Croy.
He got back upon the rafting.
Mr. Griffin.
At the time this man got up on the railing, there was nobody that you can recall to your left?
Mr. Croy.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, will you place on the map, on that chart, where you
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