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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 132« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Charles Oliver Arnett)

Mr. Arnett.
No, sir; other than the assembly room that morning, When we assigned the men out.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, when you arrived at the police department on the morning of November 22, what time was it that you got there, do you remember?
Mr. Arnett.
Well, it seems like it was around 10 o'clock.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, prior to 10 o'clock on November 22, had you received any instructions as to what your duties were going to be, in particular with respect to the parade?
Mr. Arnett.
Other than Just work in the parade is all.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. When you arrived, who did you report to?
Mr. Arnett.
To the assembly room. And right offhand, now, I can't tell you who was in charge of the regular officers. At that time I knew, and it seems to me like it was Lieutenant --I can't recall his name right now. Maybe I will think of it directly.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, that's all right. Was there a meeting of all the reserve officers in the assembly room ?
Mr. Arnett.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you receive instructions at that time?
Mr. Arnett.
At that time they were each one assigned their location to work.
Mr. Griffin.
All right.
Mr. Arnett.
And not to---if they was booing the President or not--you know, getting out of line or anything, not to bother anybody, but if you saw anybody that was--acted as though they was going to bodily harm--you know, injure body, well, to notify the police officer, regular officers, you know, of what was going on.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, do you recall who gave you say this was the lieutenant that gave these instructions?
Mr. Arnett.
It was a lieutenant that assigned us out.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember who gave you these instructions that you are talking about?
Mr. Arnett.
It seems like it was Captain Lawrence, but I couldn't swear to that, but it's.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Captain Solomon have any responsibility in that regard?
Mr. Arnett.
It may have been Captain Solomon that gave us that. It was a captain, I am almost certain and I feel like I know Captain Solomon was in the building, in the meeting with us, and it could have been him that gave us instructions.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. The instructions that were given, did they have to do with anything other than watching the crowd, were you instructed to watch any other places besides the crowd ?
Mr. Arnett.
You mean any particular buildings?
Mr. Griffin.
Or just buildings generally; were you instructed to watch the windows in buildings or watch the roofs or anything like that?
Mr. Arnett.
Well, I wouldn't say that anything like that in particular was named, but it was, you know, to watch and see keep the crowd back out of the street and see that nobody, you know, rushed out there against the President's car.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, had you served in connection with other parades?
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
Any other Presidential or political parades like this?
Mr. Arnett.
At one time Vice President Nixon came to the opening of the Fair, and I was there for that. Some man walked up to me and told me that he would like to present a pair of boots to the Vice President. A Secret Service man, I suppose, was standing close enough that he heard what the man said to me, and he asked me what the man said, and I told him, and he said, "Certainly he can't give him a pair of boots. Get his name and address and if he wants to mail the Vice President a pair of boots he can later." That's all.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, the instructions that were given down in the assembly room, did they differ in any way from the instructions that would normally be given at any other parade that you worked in ?
Mr. Arnett.
Well, I wouldn't think so.
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