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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 101« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of M. W. Stevenson)

I stepped across the driveway and instructed the officers there to assist the detective in getting these cars up on the ramp where it could back into, to pick the prisoner up, and follow the last car which was driven by Detective Dhority. As I came out of the parking area, the car pulled onto the ramp to back up. I stepped across behind the car right over here.

Mr. Hubert.
All right, would you draw a little square roughly the size of the automobile driven by Dhority, and then place a circle to indicate your own position of that time?
Mr. Stevenson.
That is a long automobile, but as I recall, this post, I was standing right here, and the car had gotten back to right along here.
Mr. Hubert.
You were on the south side of that post, standing?
Mr. Stevenson.
I believe I was standing right here at the edge.
Mr. Hubert.
Is that the very front of the automobile on the right side?
Mr. Stevenson.
No; I was just about at the right door hinge. The right front door hinge, that is where I was standing. That is a very poor drawing of the car, Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Hubert.
That is all right. Just put in there, "police ear," in that square. Now you have also drawn a circle to the south of that post, and I wish you would draw a little arrow and put your initials indicating that that was your position.

Now let me get this. Did your position change from the way you have marked it here at all up until Ruby shot Oswald?
Mr. Stevenson.
No, sir; it did not. If I may explain this a little bit, from where I have drawn this circle, this post that extends out here is built onto the wall, and where I was standing, I could see plumb back into here. I was not behind the post as it looks like here.
Mr. Hubert.
How much space was there between the post and the right side of the automobile ?
Mr. Stevenson.
I would say there was 3 feet.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, would you describe for us the position of the news media in the basement area there, giving us as much as possible the number of people, say, on the Main Street ramp, and the number of people in the basement area proper?
Mr. Stevenson.
I would say from the corner of the building here, straight across.
Mr. Hubert.
When you say, "here," just mark a point. Let's call that "number 1" to point number 2.
Mr. Stevenson.
I can make that up this way, I believe. I would say in this area, from here to here, and over here.
Mr. Hubert.
Let's say you are talking about the southwest wall of the
Mr. Stevenson.
From the west wall--we term that the west side of the driveway of the ramp to the east side, and hack up to here.
Mr. Hubert.
And back up to approximately where the ramp begins to go up, is it?
Mr. Stevenson.
Let me look at my small map. I may have that marked wrong. I may not be saying what I want to say. If I have those maps with me, I hope I have as much as I worked on that thing, I ought to tell you with my eyes closed. I evidently left them.
Mr. Hubert.
All right. Let's get at it this way.
Mr. Stevenson.
The driveway end out from right here.
Mr. Hubert.
Don't say from right here. Let me put it to you this way. On the Main Street ramp, it is from the--
Mr. Stevenson.
That would be the entrance into the ( Discussion off the record to orient positions. )
Mr. Hubert.
From the corner which is formed by the intersection of the Jail corridor and the Main Street ramp on a line roughly due east or northeast, rather, and another line running along the Main Street ramp, and then another line across the ramp to the wall, how many news people were in that area?
Mr. Stevenson.
I would say, and it is purely a guess, from 30 to 40 on the north ramp, Mr. Hubert.
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