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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 320« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Clifton M. Shasteen)

Mr. Shasteen.
Yes; they were just ragged, they were just chopped off.
Mr. Jenner.
Otherwise, the sleeves were always long down to his wrists?
Mr. Shasteen.
I'll tell you this--one of the barbers said his head was dirty he cut his hair, but he was always clean when I worked on him.
Mr. Jenner.
It's hard to explain.
Mr. Shasteen.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you describe these house shoes, please?
Mr. Shasteen.
Well, yes; they were I wish I could find something--they were a darker yellow than this right here [indicating]. And they had a much tanner sole on them--it was almost what you call a brown sole. It wasn't a leather, it wasn't a rubber, it was like a neoprene.
Mr. Jenner.
The soles were darker than the uppers?
Mr. Shasteen.
Mr. Jenner.
Were they firm leather, or soft or pliable?
Mr. Shasteen.
They were soft and nice, but they were sturdy house shoes. Of course like I said, I build a shoe up---one shoe and they made me notice them, and they were the type you could have built one up and they would still have stood up and been nice.
Mr. Jenner.
Were these house shoes that had fiat soles without heels?
Mr. Shasteen.
Yes--they didn't have no heels--they may have had a little heel, but I mean they didn't have an extra heel, because I looked. at them good. I mean, I wasn't interested in them until he said he got them from Old Mexico, and I knew that was out.
Mr. Jenner.
Were they the pull-on type or lace type?
Mr. Shasteen.
No; they were the just the pull-on type.
Mr. Jenner.
Did they have any type of elastic in them?
Mr. Shasteen.
No--no elastic--they were just like loafers to a degree, only they were nice shoes--it was just a slip-on and they had a spur piece in the back.
Mr. Jenner.
A spur piece?
Mr. Shasteen.
You know what I mean--the back wasn't so flexible--it was firm--a fitted heel. They were just real nice.
Mr. Jenner.
They had a reasonably firm or higher heel?
Mr. Shasteen.
In other words--what I'm talking about--up on the back part of them.
Mr. Jenner.
The back part is what I'm talking about.
Mr. Shasteen.
Mr. Jenner.
What we call the heel of the shoe the back of the shoe, not the heel you step on.
Mr. Shasteen.
Yes---this part here and then they had a round thing, you know, like this here [indicating] only it went out and dropped down to a point out here and had a seam sewed around the top, whatever it was.
Mr. Jenner.
Like a moccasin type?
Mr. Shasteen.
Yes; they looked like a moccasin to a degree and these loafers, as you called them, but they were in between.
Mr. Jenner.
Were they perfectly plain other than the moccasin sewing?
Mr. Shasteen.
Yes; I believe they were they didn't have no--that's the reason I thought they would have been from Mexico is they, if they had had a lot of trimmings on them or something like that, but they didn't have.
Mr. Jenner.
Did they have fasteners of any type on them?
Mr. Shasteen.
No; that's why I liked them. They were just something I could've jumped in.
Mr. Jenner.
No metal fasteners?
Mr. Shasteen.
They didn't have nothing.
Mr. Jenner.
Or even leather fasteners?
Mr. Shasteen.
If somebody would find them I would still give two and a half for them.
Mr. Jenner.
How many haircuts did he get----
Mr. Shasteen.
Mr. Jenner.
Six or seven, is that what you said?
Mr. Shasteen.
No; he could have possibly gotten seven haircuts but I think about six haircuts is what he got. It could have possibly been five.
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