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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 224« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Adrian Thomas Alba)

Mr. Alba.
Small calibre or the ice pick; yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
So that you both agreed that the small calibre bullet would be more deadly than the larger one?
Mr. Alba.
Being left with a wounded effect; in other words, if it was my intention to destroy an animal I would prefer the large calibre, but if an animal was wound with a large calibre, or a small calibre bullet, I would say that the smaller calibre bullet would be more deadly in the end than the large calibre wound, and he might survive the large calibre with an open wound.
Mr. Liebeler.
During the course of this conversation, did Oswald indicate in anyway whether the rifles that he had were large calibre or small calibre weapons?
Mr. Alba.
None other than the weapons were of the military, and I don't know--that part is an assumption on my part or whether he actually said it. He went to no length at all in discussing his firearms. In fact, it was my experience with Lee Oswald that you had to ask Lee Oswald questions. Either Lee Oswald was talking to you, or he wasn't talking at all. And I may have asked him what he had in the way of firearms.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he mention that he had a pistol, or pistols?
Mr. Alba.
If I remember correctly, I think he said he had a few, or a couple, or two. I am not definite .
Mr. Liebeler.
A couple of pistols?
Mr. Alba.
Pistol he said he had a few rifles, and a few pistol or it was a couple, or it was two. I am not clear.
Mr. Liebeler.
You were discussing this question of whether or not Oswald had any pistols with the FBI, and do you remember discussing it?
Mr. Alba.
If I made any mention of it, I am sure it would be as I have just represented it to be. I have no recollection of my definite discussions with the FBI at the time. I do remember, however, meeting the gentlemen and discussing Lee Oswald with them.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember whether Oswald seemed more interest or was disposed more in favor of rifles than pistols? Or did he seem----
Mr. Alba.
Very definitely toward the rifle side.
Mr. Liebeler.
He was more interested in rifles?
Mr. Alba.
Very little interested in the pistols. I had as many as three or--I think at one time four pistols down there, and Lee Oswald was very, very keen toward the rifles that were among my sporterizing projects, and so on; other than the pistols, he had very, very little interest in the pistols.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you do the sporterizing work on these weapons right there in your garage?
Mr. Alba.
That is correct. And what I didn't do, I job out, that is, I gave out to gunsmiths.
Mr. Liebeler.
To what?
Mr. Alba.
To a gunsmith.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Oswald ever tell you that he had fired these rifles or this rifle that he owned?
Mr. Alba.
None other than to ask me if I knew of a place where you could discharge firearms, that is, close by, without getting in the car and riding for hours.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did you say when he asked you about that?
Mr. Alba.
My reply was that I joined the National Rifle Association, and I have been able to shoot on the rifle range. It had been some years since I had done any shooting along the River Road or the levy, or anything else like that, and that I am sure that if you attempt that today, they either would r you off or arrest you for discharging firearms.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you mention specifically a rifle range where you had discharged your firearms?
Mr. Alba.
I believe I did, and I am sure that if I did I told him that he would have to be a member in order to be able to use the range.
Mr. Liebeler.
What range was it?
Mr. Alba.
Crescent Gun, Claiborne Avenue, owns the range, and if you are a National Rifle Association member, then you have the privileges of belonging the rifle range across e river, which belongs to Crescent Gun.
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