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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 18« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Everett D. Glover)

Mr. Glover.
I can't be sure of the number of occasions, because she came several times to the De Mohrenschildt house.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Glover.
Yes; she came several times alone, and I would say two or three times I saw her there.
Mr. Jenner.
And each occasion you saw her on these two or three or even more occasions, she was always alone in the sense that she was not accompanied on any of those occasions by Lee Oswald?
Mr. Glover.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Is that correct?
Mr. Glover.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
What was the length of this visit that you had on the first occasion?
Mr. Glover.
I am not really sure of the time, but the .impression I had, it was in the evening, and again I am not sure which one of the times, but the impression I had, it was in the evening that I was over there, either to eat, and she left quite early in the evening. Well, we took, maybe, or she was taken by them, but one time she left around 9 o'clock or something like this, to get a bus to Fort Worth. Whether this was the first time, I really can't be sure.
Mr. Jenner.
Was it your impression she and her husband were living together at that time?
Mr. Glover.
Yes; it was my impression. I am not really sure now whether anything was said to the contrary on that or not. My .impression was that she was living with her husband on this first occasion, yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Did any occasion arise when you were advised or had the impression that she was not then at that period of time living with her husband?
Mr. Glover.
Yes; I think this is subsequent to this first time I met her. Whatever those occasions were, they had arranged for her to stay with someone here in the Dallas area.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you know the name?
Mr. Glover.
I do not remember the name of the people, but they had arranged for her to stay here, and she had stayed for, as I recall, a fairly short time, that the arrangement did not work out.
Mr. Jenner.
Does the name Elena Hall trigger your recollection?
Mr. Glover.
Elena Hall?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Glover.
I don't recall ever having heard that name.
Mr. Jenner.
Meller, M-e-l-l-e-r?
Mr. Glover.
I couldn't be very sure about that. They might have mentioned a name, but I do not recall. They mentioned the names of quite a number of people to me, and I am not sure.
Mr. Jenner.
What impression did you have of Marina on this first occasion?
Mr. Glover.
Well, my first impression was she was sort of an innocent person caught up in the situation. Although I have very little to go on, and I could not communicate with her, only through the De Mohrenschildts.
Mr. Jenner.
Did she speak any English on that occasion?
Mr. Glover.
She spoke practically none. No English. She understood a little bit that people said in English.
Mr. Jenner.
But she did not speak it?
Mr. Glover.
She couldn't speak English. It was very difficult for me to get any real good impression from her.
Mr. Jenner.
And she was quite young?
Mr. Glover.
Yes; she was quite young.
Mr. Jenner.
Let's say this is February of 1963, did you say that was, or March?
Mr. Glover.
This was sometime in the first part of the year.
Mr. Jenner.
Of 1963?
Mr. Glover.
Yes; it was probably in January. That would be my best recollection. It was during that time. It might have been later than that. I am hazy. The only thing I have to go by is, I learned later after discussion of the visit of Oswald and his wife to our house, I learned pretty much from the conversation that that meeting took place in the latter part of February.
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