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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 125« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Helen P. Cunningham)

Mrs. Cunningham.
was giving it, sir, and because there is nothing as presented in the work history when I first worked with him which would indicate that he had ever worked at a professional or semiprofessional level that would give strength to a professional classification, and remembering, too, that the aptitude test is really only about 15 percent of the decision as to where this individual shall seek as of this time in this place----
Mr. Jenner.
The other factors being for one instance one, the ready labor market, and two, the immediate need, if there is an absolute immediate need, and what other factors?
Mrs. Cunningham.
Previous work experience a good work record within the present labor market can be a big factor. Any employer, as you well know, would much prefer to pick up the phone and call for a reference than to write to Podunk and maybe get a-communication and maybe not, and they don't know really what that firm is or with whom he is communicating, and I would say in general, and this is a personal judgment, that the incoming person to a labor market has to take the lower pay, the less desirable Job, until he gets a work record in the community, unless he is highly qualified and in one of the shortage occupations.
Mr. Jenner.
And from your visit with this young man, he had not much of a work record, do I fairly state that?
Mrs. Cunningham.
The work record when he came to me was limited in length of time as indicated on the application. It was mixed, as far as occupation was concerned in the semiskilled, in the sales, in the clerical.
Mr. Jenner.
That is, he had a semimixed work record involving one or more of the three major groups you have now mentioned.
Mrs. Cunningham.
Mr. Jenner.
Your answer was "Yes"--when you nod your head, we can't get it on the record.
Mrs. Cunningham.
I thought I had said it was broken and limited, so, "Yes" is the answer.
Mr. Jenner.
All right, you go right ahead, you are doing fine.
Mrs. Cunningham.
Please note that in the work record there is an entry subsequent to when he was counseled, and that is in the semiprofessional or professional, if anyone would look at it.
Mr. Jenner.
You say "subsequent," does that mean a later time or subsequently during the course of the interview you had with him?
Mrs. Cunningham.
No, sir; at a later time.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Cunningham.
As indicated on the record it is 4 months to July of 1963 in photography.
Mr. Jenner.
And he had the experience for that length of time somewhere?
Mrs. Cunningham.
It indicates that it was in New Orleans with William B. Reily Co.
Mr. Jenner.
And he reported that as having been experienced in what connection?
Mrs. Cunningham.
Looking at the subsequent dating of the application card, it would appear that this was recorded in October 1963.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, that is important and I am interested in that. In October 1963, which was a year subsequent to your interview, which had commenced at least on October 10, 1962, does it appear from those forms that he again returned to the Dallas office to make a work application?
Mrs. Cunningham.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And did you again counsel with or see him?
Mrs. Cunningham.
No sir. I did not know until after the President's assassination that he had recontacted the office after these October 1962 interviews of which we have been talking.
Mr. Jenner.
Is there a record on any one of those exhibits of the number of applications that he made and when those applications were made in the sense of his personal appearance for the application? You have mentioned one, that is your own, that was generated by Mr. Meller? Do your initials appear there, or do you just happen to recall that? Is there something on the form in the way of your initials or signature that indicates to you that you did that? I
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