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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 294« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eugene Boone)

Mr. Ball.
You came along the west wall, near the windows shown in this picture

Mr. Boone.
That is correct.
Mr. Ball.
And when you looked in the direction that would be easterly, that is when you saw the rifle?
Mr. Boone.
Mr. Ball.
Here is another picture which we will mark as 516.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 516 for identification.)
Mr. Ball.
Now, 515 contains the arrow which shows the space between boxes where you found the rifle, is that right?
Mr. Boone.
Mr. Ball.
Now, I show you an exhibit marked 516. Does that show--what corner of the building does that show? Or do you recognize it?
Mr. Boone.
It appears to be the same general location here.
Mr. Ball.
Mr. Boone.
This is the stairwell back here in the corner. If I am not mistaken, there is a freight elevator over here.
Mr. Ball.
That would be the right of the picture?
Mr. Boone.
Mr. Ball.
Now, point to the boxes where you found the rifle.
Mr. Boone.
Right down in this general direction.
Mr. Ball.
Draw another arrow. I show you Exhibit 483, a diagram of the sixth floor. Now, by referring to these numbers, can you show us approximately where the rifle was found?
Mr. Boone.
Roughly in the area here, designated by the arrow No. 35.
Mr. Ball.
The diagram on the sixth floor, as the Commission knows, has been correlated with certain pictures. I now have Commission Exhibit 517 marked, which has the figure 35 on it, which corresponds to the position of the camera at the time the picture was taken.
In other words, at about point 35 on this map. And now I show you a photograph marked 517. Is that about the way the rifle looked when you first saw it?
Mr. Boone.
Yes; it is. There was some newsman up there right behind Officer Whitman and myself who took movie film of it too. I don't know his name.
Mr. Ball.
What time was it?
Mr. Boone.
1:22 p.m. in the afternoon.
Mr. Ball.
1 :22?
Mr. Boone.
Mr. Ball.
You looked at your watch?
Mr. Boone.
That is correct.
Mr. Ball.
And made a note of it?
Mr. Boone.
Yes; I did.
Mr. Ball.
I show you a rifle which is Commission Exhibit 139. Can you tell us whether or not that looks like the rifle you saw on the floor that day?
Mr. Boone.
It looks like the same rifle. I have no way of being positive.
Mr. Ball.
You never handled it?
Mr. Boone.
I did not touch the weapon at all.
Mr. Ball.
I would like to offer all the exhibits we have offered with this witness, which is 515 to 516 and 517, into evidence.
Senator Cooper.
Let the exhibits be admitted in evidence.
(The documents referred to marked Commission Exhibits Nos. 515, 516, and 517 were received in evidence.)
Mr. Ball.
I have no further questions.
The Chairman.
I think you said that the reason you didn't touch it was because of the danger of fingerprints on there, is that right?
Mr. Boone.
That is correct. The city officers had personnel in charge up there. Captain Fritz, I believe, was in charge, senior officer on the floor.
He was called to the location as soon as I found the rifle. He came over, and it was photographed then.
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